Sunday, May 17, 2009

The beginning...again

I'm so super proud of myself for finally getting this started! I've had diaries, journals, poetry, etc for as long as I can remember, but for some reason I always stop writing. Well, I'm back to it again and I'm excited, perhaps a little too much.

So, the title is from an excellent song that always makes me feel good no matter what is going on in my life and I thought the verse was appropriate for my blog. I actually decided on the title rather quickly after thinking about what I really love. I love many things of course, but music affects me in many ways and is a big part of my life. So many memories, some happy, some sad, some infuriating, some enlightening, all from a certain song that when it plays the memories flood in.

I made the decision today to do something everyday toward reaching my goals. I've been feeling pretty sorry for myself lately and decided it's time to do something about it before I slip into another depression. So, I got off my butt today and washed laundry, put away dishes, changed Suli's cage papers, changed bed linens, hung pictures and towels, bought a new gorgeous diffuser, and now started this blog. Not a real exciting day, but lately I'll accept boring, and it was very productive. I don't expect everyday to be so full, but I need to continue doing something to keep my motivation moving forward, to snap me out of the place I've settled in.

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