Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Combination of old and new

Walter's back home from visiting with his family in OK. His Mom is letting on like she's fine with everything, but I don't believe it. Something's gonna happen and I just hope no one gets hurt.

I'm so tired, I'm going to sleep (I hope) after I finish this post. Noah had a melt down today at daycare, crying and screaming, and the owner was holding him to keep him from hurting himself or anyone else. I got there and told him to get in the car, of course he did, and just cried the whole way home, went to his room, then ate a sandwich, showered, and off to bed. He was totally fine the last couple of days so who knows what set this off. He can't go to daycare tomorrow and I don't know what we're going to do if he gets kicked out of daycare again. What the Hell are we supposed to do? Am I supposed to quit my job?

As for ttc, we should be doing the deed, but it just ain't gonna happen tonight. Hopefully tomorrow and thereafter will be enough, I'm not holding my breath either way. With all this stress and chaos it's just not going to happen.

On a bright note I joined to track my eating and exercise and find support. I also signed up for a Turbo Kick class 2 days a week. It will be good for my mental health too if I can get my ass there. I wish someone was taking it with me, but no luck. I didn't do too bad eating this week so far, made better choices than usual overall.

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